I'm always amazed when I talk with women who seem to be doing it all - all the laundry, all the cleaning, all the cooking...
My typical question is "why?" "My husband doesn't do it right." OK, I'm a control freak but really? Take the help!
Kids? "They're too busy." "...and you're not?"
Washing machines run themselves. Kids are capable of doing many things. Yes, it takes a bit more work up front. The trade-off is that (1) it saves you work in the long run and more importantly (2) it teaches kids the skills they need as adults.
You're not being (a bad parent, lazy, demanding too much) of your kids by asking them to help. You're teaching them life lessons about taking care of themselves and time management. It builds self-esteem and teaches kids about organization.
Some ideas for things kids can help with and the ages we implemented in our family: sort the laundry (2 years), empty dishwasher (w/o knives 4 yrs; including knives 6 years); feed dog (18 months); cook simple meals (7 years); do own laundry (7 years); clean up toys (1 year). More ideas and research is provided at the link below.
Kids, especially young kids, typically want to help. Older kids crave being treated like an adult. Give them the chance. It's good for them and good for you.
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